How To Become A Infopreneur

Information marketing has taken the internet by storm. As more and more people begin utilizing digital information, and reading and learning online, more opportunities open up for information marketers.

If you have specialty information or have a passion for a topic, information marketing may be the perfect business model for you.

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What Is an Online Infopreneur?

An online infopreneur is someone who makes a living selling information. It can be a very profitable business model.

They might create training manuals, videos and courses on a specific subject.

An online infopreneur’s first job is to determine what their passions are and if there’s a market for it.

You might begin by making a list of the topics you’re knowledgeable in or passionate about.

Then you begin your research. Using keyword research tools and investigating online, you’d look to see if people are searching for that topic. This is part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and it is crucial for the success of your business.

To get started with this step, you should first learn the basics of SEO and get familiar with how to do keyword research
Furthermore, I teach SEO, you are welcome to enroll in my free SEO course.

Niche Is Key

So, your first step is to find your interests and passions. Your second step is to research them for profitable niches. A niche is a specialty topic. It can also be a demographic or a skill level too.

Once you’ve chosen a niche, it’s time to create related content for your website and create some information products.

Your website will be dedicated to helping your audience learn what they need to know or want to know about your topic. You might post free article or video content. You may offer free reports and digital downloads.

Once you have people interested and accessing your free information, you can take them to the next step which is to offer them a product to buy. Often this is an ebook, an online course or a video series.

The easiest way to create and sell your own online course is to use Teachable.

The information products that are successful generally solve a problem for their audience.

For example, “How to stop your puppy from biting.” You may uncover common problems during your research or you may need to do additional research to find the answers.

If you have a passion, interest or specialty knowledge about a topic, consider using that to create an information marketing business.

It’s a great way to make an income. Some information marketers have gone on to make millions from their books, courses and videos.

As an infopreneur and freelancer you will need to actively seek out clients. If you’ve ever been unsure of what to say/write to convince people to buy from you then you should absolutely grab a copy of the 300+ Business Scripts.

From talking with prospects, to managing clients, to having hard conversations with people you hire, people you do business with, and even the people who support you (families can be a rough crowd!), this is a guide to being who you want to be in business, and not letting the world run you over.

Every scenario comes with two suggested versions for handling it: A traditional business version, and a casual, playful one, so you can mix and match the right words to sound just like something you’d say.

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Learn more: 300+ Business Scripts Info

You Need A Website For Your Business

Before you can land those dream clients, you need a place to showcase your expertise and niche authority.

You need a website!

In order to do any kind of business online, you will want to have a website from day one. Most of your clients will be online and they’ll often find you through online searching.

Don’t worry —it’s actually very easy (and cheap!) to create your own website. No tech skills needed.

Here’s how to build your first website.

How to Build A Website (No Tech Skills Required)

1. Choose your hosting. The only thing you need to purchase when starting a website is web hosting. Usually, this costs about $10–20 per month.

But if you click here you will get to take advantage of premium web hosting for only $2.95 per month.

This deal also gives you a free domain name, free email, free SSL security certificate and more.

2. Choose your platform. The best, most user-friendly and affordable platform to host your website is It is included for free via the web hosting offer above.

Why Use WordPress.Org?

I run all of my websites on Although I have used other platforms at times, nothing can compare to the quality and ease of use you get with

Professional & Secure: WordPress is the highest standard in the industry.

It’s Free: is 100% free to use, including free plugins, themes, add-ons . and more, which other platforms either don’t offer, or they charge a lot for

It’s User-Friendly: You can set it up, customize and maintain your WordPress website all on your own. You don’t need to hire a web developer to do anything for you.

It is completely customizable: In addition to plugin-ins, there are endless amounts of quality WordPress themes you can use and easily customize to your liking — without ever having to know or do any code.

Why You Should Never Use A ‘Free’ Platform

You can’t monetize a ‘free’ website platform such as Tumblr, Wix or the basic ‘free’ Most ‘free’ platforms don’t allow you run your own ads, and will instead run THEIR ads on YOUR website.

You don’t own your website on a ‘Free’ platform. If you use Tumblr for your blog, Tumblr owns your blog, and they can shut you down at any minute. Which won’t happen when you self-host and own your own website.

It’s expensive: ‘Free’ platforms are actually much, much more expensive in the long run because with ‘free’ platforms you have to pay for upgrades (upgrades which are free and included when you self-host), and you are limited in everything you need to be able to run a blog successfully.

Most importantly, not self-hosting means that because you are unable to monetize, you are LOSING money every day. Think of the thousands of dollars you could be making from your website if you were properly self-hosted?

Decide On Your Domain Name

Your domain is your blog’s address. For example: (but ‘YourBlog’ will be whatever name you choose). My domain is

The cost of a domain name is usually about $10 per year. But today you will get a domain for free, included in your web hosting discount too!

· Don’t use hyphens or numbers, as it’s too easy for people to spell it wrong

· Keep it under 15 characters — short and catchy

· .com is always the best choice. If you can’t get your desired domain as a .com, it’s better to change your domain name idea to something else, rather than have to use .net, .org, ect.

Once you’ve purchased web hosting and picked a domain name, the next step is to install WordPress with the click of a button.

Here’s how to install WordPress and finish setting up your new website: Step-By-Step Website Set-Up Guide

Once you have your website set up, don’t forget to include the correct legal info on your Privacy page, terms and conditions page and affiliate disclosure page.

I recommend that you get the Legal Bundle which was drafted up by a lawyer and includes all of the legal info your website needs, as a fill-in-the-blank template for each of these mandatory pages.

How to Build An Infopreneur Portfolio

If you’re an Infopreneur, you are freelancer, and as such a big part of the job is seeking out clients.

It pays to have a solid portfolio. Your portfolio will show potential clients that you have the experience and skills to handle their project.

However, one of the challenges to creating a quality portfolio is gaining the experience. Here’s how to build a portfolio the right way.

Courses — There are a number of quality skill-building programs online. These programs often offer homework assignments along with professional feedback. This is an exceptional way to create a portfolio.

It gives you the opportunity to work with experts in your craft. Additionally, you’re able to use the class as a source of credibility on your marketing materials.

Spec work — Spec work is work that you essentially do for free. The agreement between you and your client is that if they like your work, they will pay you for it. If they don’t like your work, they won’t pay you.

It’s a good way to get around the fact that you may not have a solid portfolio just yet, because it reduces the risk for your client.

Additionally, once they’re pleased with the work — and they will be because you’re going to knock their socks off — then you can use the work in your portfolio.

Don’t forget to also add their testimonial to your sales page. And if they don’t like the work, you can still use it in your portfolio if you’re proud of the results.

Volunteer work — Volunteer work is another opportunity for you to build a portfolio and to do good at the same time. Many non-profits can benefit from the work of freelance service providers.

They get a service for free and you get quality samples for your portfolio. It’s great when you can reference something and show potential customers where they can find your work online too. It’s instant credibility.

As you build your client base, ask clients if you can use your best work in your portfolio. They’re most often quite proud to be shown off and it’s good exposure for them as well.

Display your work in the most professional manner.

If you have print samples, scan them onto your computer and save them as an image. Don’t just link to sales pages and content because those links will change.

Actually, save the work you’ve done as an image or a document so your prospects can see your work first hand.

Have confidence in your work, whether you’re just starting out or have a portfolio full of professional samples.

Confidence and the courage to take a few risks will help you succeed as a professional Infopreneur.

How To Land Clients

If you’re a new Infopreneur, you may be looking to grow your business quickly.

After all, the fuller your schedule, the more you can be sure you’re financially secure. To get more clients fast, there are three sure-fire ways to go about it.

Referral System

Referrals are when someone, generally a happy client, tells another person about your business. As a service provider or coach you can have an informal referral program or a formal one.

An informal referral program is pretty easy. You simply ask your current customers if they know of anyone who could benefit from your services. They may send people your direction or give you a few names to contact. Many businesses grow this way.

A formal referral program is a reward-based program. Anyone who refers a new customer to you would receive a reward. The reward could be a discount on your services or it could be a freebie.

For example, if you’re a writer you might offer anyone who refers new clients to you a free ten-page report or $25 off their next order.

A formal referral program requires that people sign up for the program. You might send a monthly newsletter to members to remind or motivate them to refer new clients.

Regardless of the system you choose, referrals work quite well to get more clients fast because they’re coming from a trusted source.

If you ask someone where to go to eat and they tell you the name of a restaurant they like, you’re more likely to go there than to an unfamiliar place because it’s been recommended to you. You trust the information.


The second way to get more clients fast is to start an affiliate program for your business.

Affiliates are people who agree to promote your services in exchange for a commission. It requires a bit more work than a referral program; however, it can be extremely effective.

Affiliates market your business for you and they drive traffic to your website. For every new client, they earn a paycheck. It’s a good system. To help them succeed you may provide them with marketing content, advertisements and other information to use on their website.

See: How to start an affiliate program


The third and final way to get more clients fast is to forge a partnership with other complementary businesses. For example, if you’re a writer you might partner with a website designer. Their clients will need content for their website and your clients may need a website redesign. It’s a win-win situation.

To get more clients fast, take advantage of your current assets. What partnerships can you forge, and what clients can you ask for referrals and recommendations?

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How To Get Testimonials + Use Them Effectively

Testimonials are an exceptional selling tool. They tell potential buyers that you’re trustworthy. They tell potential buyers that your product or service fulfills its promise.

Testimonials tell potential customers that you have credibility. And they tell potential customers what they want to hear — that you really can solve their problems.

Testimonials are an effective buying trigger because they offer information about your product or service that you just can’t offer yourself. It’s like a personal recommendation, and it’s worth the effort to get quality testimonials and to use them.

How Do You Get More Testimonials?

It’s quite simple, actually. You ask for them. Most people are afraid to ask for testimonials. They feel it’s pushy or they fear being rejected. The truth is, most customers are happy to give them; they just don’t think about offering.

Think about when you have a good or bad experience with a company. If you have a bad experience, you want to shout it from the rooftops. You write reviews; you tell your friends and associates. Maybe you even write a complaint to the company.

When you have a good experience, you say thank you. Generally, we don’t talk as much about the good news as we do about the bad news. However, if someone asks us, we’ll go on for hours about our positive experiences.

So in order to get more testimonials you have to ask. You’ll of course ask all of your happy customers. However, consider also asking experts in your industry to provide a testimonial. Send them a free product or offer a service, then collect the testimonial.

It’ll have more power because it’s coming from someone people like and respect. Can you imagine what a ringing endorsement it would be if Martha Stewart wrote a testimonial for your home organization business?

Be Prepared

Many people just don’t know what to say, so consider being prepared with a pre-written testimonial. If they agree that they stand behind the information, they just need to provide a signature and a link. You can then post the testimonial and consider it valid.

Position Your Testimonials Well

There are some key places to position your testimonials. One such location is on your sales page. The testimonials will serve to support a prospect’s buying decision. You can also use them in your newsletter and in email communications.

Consider also creating a separate page on your website with testimonials. Place the strongest and most compelling testimonials prominently where they’re sure to be read.

See: Email Marketing Basics

How Monetize Your Infopreneur Business + Make Money Online Like The Pros

What Makes Money Online?

There are a few basic business models that generally achieve a good deal of success online. They include:

· Information marketing — Information is sold online, generally about a specialty topic.

· Blogging / Content Marketing — Profit is made by selling advertising space, writing sponsored content, commissions from recommending products

· Service provider — Profit is made by providing a service. For example, virtual assistants provide administrative services online.

· Retailer or ecommerce — Profit is made by selling a product online.

· Affiliate marketing — Profit is made by promoting the products or services of others and earning a commission.

· Memberships — Profit is made by selling a membership service, such as an app, stock photography, ect

There are a few things these 6 business models have in common. They all operate online — that’s a given because we’re talking about online business.

They also all need people to visit their website in order to survive. How do they get people to their website?


Content is the unifying theme behind successful websites. People go online to be entertained, to be informed, to connect and communicate. The single unifying thread for all of these interactions is content.

Content can be read, watched, listened to and shared. It can be an article, a blog post, a report, a book, an online course, a video or an audio. Without content a website doesn’t stand a chance.

See: How to write a blog post people actually want to read

Information is the reason for the internet. If a website doesn’t provide information, it has no value to online users.

How To Sustain Your Infopreneur Business

Here are a few tips and suggestions on how to can write high-quality content, and sustain your Infopreneur business for the long haul.

1 SWOT — Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is a personal assessment. Take a look at what strengths you have that will contribute to a successful virtual assistant business. Communication skills, organization skills, professionalism are some strengths. However, you likely bring a lot more to the table. List your strengths.

Take a look at your weaknesses as well. You’re not looking for reasons to not go into business for yourself. You’re simply making sure you’re aware of all you’ll need to do to run a successful business. If you have a weakness, and we all do, then you’ll want to create a plan to manage it.

For example, if your weakness is writing and you need to have sales and marketing copy for your business website, you can learn to write or you can hire someone to do it for you. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you create the best business for you.

Opportunities and threats are the next part of this assessment. Opportunities can be anything from the fact that you have a friend who designs websites to a growing demand for virtual assistants.

Threats are things that may challenge you, like competitors and a sluggish economy. When you’re fully aware of your assets and challenges, you can plan for them.

2 Hone your skills — The great thing about writing is that you can always improve your skills. Writing is a craft and like most crafts, there is always room for improvement.

Be a constant student. Sign up for writing workshops, read books from expert writers and learn your trade inside and out. You’ll be better able to answer your client’s questions and to provide the best service money can buy.

4 Specialize — In order to become a credible expert it helps to have a specialization. Specialization provides you the opportunity to fine-tune your craft, to offer a better service and to charge more for your time.

You can specialize in a topic or field of interest, or you can specialize in a format. You can also specialize in both, for example “self-help sales copy.” You can specialize in a certain task, for example transcription. Or you can specialize in an industry like real estate.

Specialization is a way to demonstrate expertise and adds credibility to your business.

5 Create a business plan. Plan the services you’re going to offer and how you’re going to offer them. For example, will you charge by the hour or by the project? Will you offer a discount for ongoing clients? Research your competition and decide whether you want to specialize.

6 Be ultra professional — While there are many writers selling their services, many of them don’t take their business as seriously as they should. They miss deadlines. They don’t hire an editor and they don’t handle feedback or communication well.

As a writer, you’re a service provider and a business owner. Professionalism and customer service matter.

7 Be more than a writer — That isn’t to say that you should offer additional services; however, you can really write your way to the bank if you act as a consultant.

You’re an expert, right? So people will come to you with questions. They’ll want your advice. Be ready, willing and able to give it. When clients are able to count on you as a partner and consultant, they’re more than willing to pay you the big bucks.

8 Network — One of the best ways to build a writing business is to network. Connect with your clients and ask for referrals. Stay in touch with them by sending information they might find useful, or send them simple notes to say hello. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing device and it’s an effective way to build a writing business.

9 Be confident — Many writers charge much less than they can. Be confident in your skills and charge what you’re worth, keeping in mind what the market can support.

Specialize, hone your skills, network and be confident in what you have to offer.

Create your Infopreneur business and start making money from your skills today.

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